Membership Application

The Acadia University Club is a private social club (a registered society) comprised of current and retired Acadia University faculty and staff, alumni, graduate and Education students; and interested community members.  Our facilities currently include a living room and bar area, small meeting rooms, a kitchen and barbeque, a modest guest room, and an honour bar. We have a live-in House Manager. 

Membership to the U-Club is $110/year, or $10/month.  U-Club membership has a number of benefits.  Members in good standing:

  1. have access to the U-Club facilities (including the living room, kitchen, and honour bar);
  2. can entertain/bring non-member guests to the U-Club;
  3. receive “member pricing” for special U-Club-sponsored events/meals;
  4. can sponsor the rental/booking of U-Club facilities for a group;
  5. can sponsor the booking of the Bayer Room for an on-campus visitor; and
  6. are entitled to attend and vote at any meeting of the U-Club, & to hold any office of the U-Club



I hereby apply for membership in the University Club and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Club.

Please check ONLY one of the following payment options for dues:  #1 Monthly billing on credit card through Stripe; #2 Annual billing on credit card through Stripe.

Questions on membership can be directed to U-Club Secretary, Peggy Crawford (peggyDOTcrawfordATacadiauDOTca).  Once form has been submitted, contact U-Club Secretary to request copy of the By-Laws and House Rules.

Please calculate 8 plus 4.